August 2009

Sweet little Rosie, also known as Burma Pearl's Rosebud, was born in July 2006.  Her littermate, Burma Pearl's Mahagiri, was my very first grand champion.  Rosie also was a beautiful Burmese girl, with huge lustrous gold eyes, but she was very shy in front of the judges and so I retired her after only one show.  She almost went to another breeder to make Burmese babies, but it is just as well that didn't happen.  She lived quietly with me for two years, her soft, gentle nature a loving and comforting presence.  But in a household where kittens were raised she didn't always get the attention as she deserved.  And so I wanted her to have a home of her own.

Smiley was more than just another happy face, he was a dear little friend! I remember so well the day my disabled friend called me and said she had found a newborn kitten on the sidewalk. A new born he was not. She based this classification on the fact his eyes were "still" closed. In reality, Smiley was 6-weeks-old and stunted out of proportion, his eyes pasted shut with infection. I didn't know if he would survive the ride to get help. He did survive and grew into a beautiful boy, inside and out. He met me without fail after work, leaping to my shoulders to ride around. Everything I did, he wanted to do too.

Resistance is the ability of the immune system to cope with a disease. It is known that 50% of the incidence is heritable, and that resistance (or susceptibility) factors exist in both toms and queens. However, culling problem toms is the simplest genetic procedure to reduce incidence. Toms produce far more litters and kittens than queens, and therefore have a much bigger effect on the disease. Good judgment and husbandry will influence the other 50% of the equation.


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