History of Sock

Save Our Cats and Kittens (SOCK) was organized in 1974 as a nonprofit group. It was founded by cat lovers from the San Francisco Bay Area to aid in much-needed feline leukemia virus (FeLV) research at the UC Davis School of Veterinary Medicine. FeLV infection was the cause of death of up to one-third of all sick cats during the 1960s and 1970s.

The original goal of “Sock it to Leukemia” was ultimately met, with the development of simple and rapid diagnostic tests to detect carrier cats as well as effective vaccines. Testing and vaccination drove FeLV from our catteries and households and returned it back to nature, where it had existed for thousands of years as an infection of limited importance.


This group shot is of the President of the original SOCK presenting Dr. Gordon Theilen and Dr. Pedersen with a check for FeLV research. The people from left to right are Dr. Pedersen, Dolores Campanile, Connie Campanile, Vincent Campanile, member of SOCK, Connie Campanile, Dr. Alice Villalobos, and Dr. Gordon Theilen.

After 24 years of dedicated service and the raising of hundreds of thousands of dollars, SOCK passed its torch to the CCAH. Other organizations have copied this name, but there is only one SOCK. Today, SOCK has been reactivated by another group of devoted cat lovers to help the CCAH raise research funding for feline infectious peritonitis (FIP). FIP is the most important infectious disease of young cats, especially those from catteries and shelters. It is also virtually 100% fatal, and there is no prevention.

SOCK FIP is an organization run by people who have had personal experiences with this terrible disease and whose support is directed to the CCAH and its experienced group of FIP researchers, who are part of a global coalition dedicated to finding solutions for FIP.


SOCK FIP can now receive donations through PayPal. All donations to SOCK FIP will support FIP Research at UC Davis